Unified Communications – The Next Generation of Contact

The combination of traditional forms of communication with the newest technologies forms the basis for Unified Communications (UC). An excellent example is the latest generation of “smart” phones. Some of the time, you will use it in its traditional capacity as a voice communicator but, most of the time, it will serve as a link to emails, text messages and online information. This fact makes UC incredibly important to businesses because it increases a company’s efficiency, availability and marketability.

Sales Efficiency

Trying to do more with less is the essence of UC and efficiency. Less time, less resources and less money to accomplish the same or better goals means a strengthened bottom line. In addition, real time feedback allows an ongoing monitoring and adaptation of the processes and procedures.

More importantly, this process is proactive and iteractive. Sales goals such a number of calls made, time spent per call and objections noted can lead to immediate steps to strengthen the sales process. In addition, time saving expedients such as click-to-dial features can save precious minutes on every sales call.

UC also offers the opportunity to collaborate and sell via video. This feature offers all the benefits of face-to-face conversations without the attendant travel expenses and administrative headaches.

UC and 24/7 Availability

Everyone and everything is connected in the UC world. Whether you’re on a business trip in South America and merely tending to some personal business, you are only an internet connection away from being at a business meeting in any part of the world at any time of the day or night. In addition, there are a host of options that afford a professional look and feel to any business communications.

Looking Good – Perception is Everything

The latest generation of consumers expects a company to continually embrace the latest advances in communications technology. Ignoring this expectation imperils the entire success of your company as it leads to decreased marketability. For example, many “next generation” users do not have a traditional fax machine and are unreachable in this manner unless you have an eFax solution. Unified Communications offers solutions to this minor matter and ones of far greater import as well.

In short, it is very wise for a company to appear technologically capable and to effectively grasp the basics of UC. Employing the capabilities of UC in your business will bring endless benefits.

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